Pilates Equipment

Commercial Studio | Mini Studio | Home Studio

Finding the best solution
for all your Pilates equipment.
Guided by the expertise and
experience of Sharat Sareen,
India’s pioneer of Pilates.


Our experience to your advantage

Co-founders Sharat Sareen and Anjali Sareen, Pioneers of Pilates in India, introduced the first fully-equipped Pilates studio in the country.
Since 2005 they have set the bar for quality Pilates Studios and Pilates Education and Training, in India.

We have helped several businesses successfully setup their Pilates studios with quality equipment, guiding them on the most favourable price-quality balance.
We have customers spread across the length and breadth of the country.


Multiple Locations across 28 Cities


Your Pilates Studio

A passion for Pilates or a goal to expand your current offering or the potential for a successful investment in a Pilates studio. Whatever your reason, to set up a home or commercial studio, we can help.

With our expertise and experience, built over decades, we understand how much goes into a successful Pilates studio.

An integral part of the process is the Pilates equipment, from an entry-level machine to a fully-equipped commercial space. We have a thorough understanding of the Pilates equipment available.


We help you make informed choices and decisions, on the right combination of equipment, for your current needs and for continued expansion plans.


Rehab and Fitness Centers

Pilates Studios

HNI Installations


Our role goes beyond that of an equipment vendor.

Sharat and Anjali have an in-depth understanding of contemporary needs in fitness, rehabilitation, and special populations. When advising on equipment their objective is to have the client buy what is needed and is most suitable for their goals.

Read this informative post to know more about what to consider when choosing your Pilates equipment.

We are exclusive distributors of Elina Pilates equipment in India.

Elina Pilates equipment, based in Spain, offers machines that are designed with an emphasis on functionality, durability, and a focus on quality control. The machines provide a user experience that rates high on safety and comfort.
In the industry, these machines offer a very advantageous price/quality ratio.


To know more contact Sharat Sareen on +91 98453 91006


The Zone Advantage

When guiding you on suitability of different machines, along with varied models available, our approach is distinctive.

Our recommendations are based on our technical knowledge of Pilates equipment, backed by our extensive experience of using Pilates equipment for a wide range of Pilates Programs.

Co-founders Sharat Sareen and Anjali Sareen pioneered Pilates in India.

Sharat Sareen has unrivalled expertise, across the country, in Pilates and fitness equipment, training methods and innovations.

Anjali Sareen is India’s original Master Trainer for Pilates Education and Training. She has pioneered Pilates Programs for Fitness, Rehabilitation, and Special Populations.


Our Customer locations in India


Elina Pilates Equipment

Elina Pilates offers a range of equipment that is beautifully designed and manufactured using superior materials and following stringent quality controls.
With a strong focus on safety and comfort these machine rate high on user experience.
The range consists of all Pilates machines with various models. Also available are Pilates small equipment and accessories.

In the industry the Elina Pilates equipment offers a very advantageous price/quality ratio.


To know more contact Sharat Sareen on +91 98453 91006


The Master Range

Master Reformer in Wood

Master Reformer
with Tower

With Infinity Footbar

The Mentor Range

Mentor Reformer with Tower

Tower with Bed

Mentor Reformer

The Elite Range

Elite Reformer in Wood

Elite Reformer with Tower

With Jump Board

The HL3
Aluminum Range

HL3 Reformer with Tower

HL3 Reformer

Easy to stack

The Nubium Range

Nubium Reformer with
Jump Board and Box

Nubium Reformer

The Lignum Range

Lignum Reformer with Tower

Lignum Reformer in Wood

The Domo Reformer

A Home Reformer


Cadillac-Reformer Elite



Pilates Chairs

Elite Combo Chair

Combo Chair - Wooden Base

Combo Chair - Steel Base

Ladder Barrels

With Wooden Base

With Steel Base

Pilates Small Equipment

Spine Corrector Elite

Pilates Arc

Spine Support

Classical Pilates Cadillac and Reformer

Cadillac - Aluminium

Reformer with Tower

Reformer - Aluminium

Classical Pilates Chairs

Wunda Chair

Electric Wunda Chair

Baby Chair


Know more about The Zone co-founders Anjali Sareen and Sharat Sareen.