In the Columns

With a body of experience gathered over 30 years, we have always had much to share - from our pioneer programs to more, in fitness and movement.

We share some of that media coverage, from over the years, along with some of Anjali Sareen’s featured columns sharing her insights and offering suggestions towards improving one’s quality of life through better fitness and health.


Posture Perfect.

Anjali shares how in today’s pursuit of a more sustainable, holistic approach to fitness, Pilates offers benefits beyond physical strength.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Fitness Trends

With so much going on in the fitness space, Anjali writes about what is here to stay and what will fade as a fad.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


The appeal of Bodyweight Training.

Anjali Sareen writes about how these Total Body workouts are time-efficient, varied and functional.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Spirited, Fit & Strong. In your 40s, 50s and more.

Anjali Sareen writes about how age should not be the limiting factor that holds you back from staying or getting fit.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Working out for gain or pain?

Anjali Sareen elaborates on how your workouts should challenge you, not destroy you.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Fitness Trainer: Look beyond the glamour. Gaining quality education.

In her article Anjali writes about taking up fitness as a career.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


The importance of a strong core.

In her article Anjali explains how a strong core helps anchor all movement, prevent injuries, and improve quality of life.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


The Fitness Conundrum.

Why is it so complicated to choose and follow a fitness lifestyle. Anjali Sareen believes that fitness should not be the prerogative of a few. It should be easily accessible and enjoyed, by all.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Mind-Body Wellness - The need of the hour.

Throwback to early 2020 when many of us were settling back into our workout routines - to make good on our fitness and health New Year resolutions. Fast forward to the present with a disconcerting realisation that we are heading into the last quarter of 2020.
Read Anjali Sareen’s article to know how Pilates can be a great fit for your needs - as a system of movement that provides strength, energy, and vitality.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Tough Times Call For Pilates.

Building immunity and better health, along with a need to address our mental and emotional well-being, has become even more important in current times.
Read about the relevance of Pilates in the new normal - for the body, mind, and heart.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Total Body Workouts with the Pilates Reformer.

With a well designed Pilates workout on the Reformer, which is the most popular Pilates machine worldwide, you can train the full body for a wide range of goals.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Stay motivated.

As the year starts find the right fitness program to stay motivated, inspired, focused, writes Anjali Sareen.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Total Body Workouts - The smarter way to chisel and burn.

Anjali Sareen writes about how a strong, agile body that works well instils a feeling of strength and confidence in us – not just in how we look but also in how we perform and are able to use our bodies.Spirited, Fit & Strong.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Before you lunge in - Home Workouts.

Home workouts are increasingly becoming an easily available and appealing option especially in current times when many are hesitant to step out of their homes. But it would be to your advantage to be mindful of the following….

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Power of Pilates - What is it about Pilates, that leaves you feeling energized in the mind and body?

Anjali Sareen writes about Pilates and the mind-body connect that it has.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Monsoon Fitness - Keeping the mind-body fit and healthy through the monsoon.

In her article, No Dampeners, Anjali Sareen writes about staying energised and balanced through the rainy season.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Benefits of Walking.

Anjali Sareen contributes to this article for World Health Day; celebrated on 7th April as a global health awareness day.

Read full article as featured in Deccan Herald.


Zest for Summer - Staying fit and energised through the season.

Love it or hate it, either way, summer is here. And sunny summer days always impact our fitness routines one way or the other. Use integrated fitness programs for the mind and body with functional training workouts and celebrate summer by finding a balance indoors and outdoors. Let your mind and body be energized and lifted with the best of what summer brings.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Couple Fitness Goals gaining popularity.

With demanding and hectic lifestyles impacting our health and relationships, couple goals featuring fitness have become very popular.

Celebrity couples like Virat Kohli-Anushka Sharma, Bipasha Basu-Karan Singh Grover to Mila Kunis-Ashton Kutcher, Gisele Bundchen-Tom Brady, to name a few, are known for sharing workout time or being supportive of each other’s fitness programs.

Read full article as featured in Sunday Herald.


Your Health and Fitness in 2019 - Set yourself up for a win.

Your health is a balance of eating, exercise and overall lifestyle. Make the right choices by keeping your program integrated and functional and, above all stay consistent.

Read full article as featured in Deccan Herald.

Fitness and the Free Spirit.

A training form that builds on energy, focus and strength, Pilates builds on power from within as it is based on the concept of training the body from the inside out. Make it stand out.

Read full article as featured in THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS.

Eating Right: finding the right nutrition plan.

We’re always looking to find the formula for that magical eating plan that will get us the perfect physique/figure that we so desire. And, in this pursuit, we put ourselves through an unending range of diets and eating plans.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.


Outdoor Running.

Taking your run outdoors can be an exceptionally satisfying experience.  And those who do so regularly will tell you how they look forward to that time spent outdoors; even if it is in the crowded cities that we live in today.  There is something appealing to one’s sense of self; to be out on the road or in a park, running with a group or alone, in the early hours of the morning or even as the day is winding down into the sunset.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.

What is it about Pilates?

Pilates, a mind-body method of movement, is a popular program offered universally in specialised studios and fitness centres. With the mind-body focus and energy that Pilates brings, the general consensus amongst the people I’ve trained in this program is, ‘I really look forward to my Pilates. It leaves me feeling energized and strong!’ Which really is a great way to sum up what Pilates is really about.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.


Upgrade your fitness routine.

Progress is what we constantly strive for; be it in our careers, relationships, studies and nowadays quite importantly, in technology and all that it brings to us. We mark varied aspects of our lives and selves in terms of the progress or upgrades that we have achieved. But, do we apply the same to our fitness programs? To enjoy the increased quality of life we strive for, it makes sense to direct our time and effort to apply the same principles of progression to our current fitness routines.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.


Pilates training ground.

For sportspersons, fitness professionals, rehab specialists, physiotherapists, dancers, performers, and more.

Learning and understanding the system of Pilates can lead to effective results whether applied to sports, general fitness or post-injury strengthening.

Read full article as featured in THE HINDU BUSINESS LINE.

Pilates for functional fitness.

Anjali Sareen, co-founder of The Zone, has been in the fitness field since the early 90’s.  Her belief in Pilates as a system of exercise and movement leads her to firmly believe that, ‘whatever you do, Pilates can help you do it better’. This is because Pilates has benefits and applications across age-groups and fitness levels.

Read full article as featured in BANGALORE MIRROR.

Functional training and core-strengthening with TRX Workouts.

Strengthening your body through functional fitness programs such as TRX enables the body to handle real-life situations from daily living to fitness to sports. At the Zone, we believe that it is important to train the body as an integrated whole; to minimize stress and injuries. 

Read full article as featured in THE HINDU.


Teenage Fitness.

Walking into my fitness studio, I encountered a sight that put an immediate smile on my face. There was a teenager calling out a greeting to me from the elliptical trainer, while another was just stepping in for a TRX suspension training session and the third was waiting for her Pilates reformer session. Everyone can benefit from being physically fit. Teenagers begin to enjoy the feeling of better energy, strength, and body-awareness that they get from their workouts which has them looking forward to their workouts.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.

Finding your fitness program.

Having taken the decision to incorporate fitness and health into your lifestyle the next step forward is deciding how to do so. And that can be a daunting task, given how today we are really quite spoilt for choice in terms of the variety of fitness programs on offer.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.


Pilates - Fitness, Rehab and Teacher Training Programs.

The Zone offers varied Pilates programs for fitness and rehab and Teacher Training Pilates education programs.

Read full article as featured in ECONOMIC TIMES.


Pilates and Fitness.

Anjali Sareen converted her fascination for fitness into her job - from going off the beaten track in her approach to fitness programs to becoming a Teachers Trainer for Pilates instructors.

Read full article as featured in THE HINDU.

Add some Pilates to your life.

Are long and stressful hours in front of the computer a part of your daily lifestyle? Pilates is a mind-body exercise system that focuses on building core strength, balanced muscles and better posture.

Read full article as featured in DNA INDIA.

The Power of Pilates.

A whole swarm of fitness crazy beauties and celebrities swear by it. So while I had no dreams of getting into anything size zero or close, after years of trying power yoga, I decided to give Pilates a try. A mind-body system that adapts to sports, rehab and more.

Read full article.


Festive Season Fitness.

The festive season is all about celebrations and fun; revolving around family, friends, eating and drinking. However, it can leave us mentally and physically exhausted. And, more often than not, very stressed and unhappy at finding our fitness levels along with the fit of our clothes not quite where we’d like them to be.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.

Exercise to stay fit through Pregnancy and after.

There has been a growing change in thinking and approach towards exercise and its benefits through pregnancy. The main benefit of doing Pilates during pregnancy is that in a completely safe manner it targets the exact muscles and functions that are of concern to a woman during pregnancy and after delivery. It is great to see women stay fit and healthy through their pregnancy, and after delivery return to their pre-pregnancy shape and fitness (and sometimes even better) with the help of our Pre- and Post-Natal Programs.

Read full article as featured in DECCAN HERALD.


High Intensity and Core Challenge (HICC) Workouts.

A Program based on Integrated Total Body Training emphasizing functional fitness and core training. The workouts challenge the body with movement patterns and exercises using varied planes of movement or directions. This helps to achieve a more integrated and functional level of strength and fitness that has much more relevance in our lives today.

Read full article as featured in THE NEW INDIAN EXPRESS.


They are rowing for gold.

The competition has generated even greater camaraderie and healthy competition among members. The degree of involvement has reached a point where they find themselves rowing in their sleep!

Read full article as featured in TIMES OF INDIA.